Because there is a time limit for each consultation, we both need to be prepared to make the most of every minute we have. Here’s a list outlining how you should prepare for our meeting.
State your goals.
Think about your purpose of the space, as well as the look and feel you want to achieve. Envision your ideal end result and then gather some example images of the things you like and the spaces that speak to the style you’d like to create.
Specify your problems.
What design dilemmas can I help you with? Make a list, starting with your most pressing issue, and then continue on down with more items needing to be improved in order of how urgent they are. During the consultation we’ll address the items in your list from the top down and go until the time is up.
Determine scope of work.
During the consultation we will determine your scope of work to complete your project. This is where you can take the project and my design advice and complete it own your own or I can write a proposal to include the scope of work and design fee to complete the project for you.